Monday, January 31, 2022

2021 Year in Review for Autonomous Database Dedicated

First, a very happy new year to all ! I wanted to start my first blog post of the year thanking our customers and partners for adopting the Oracle Autonomous Database and believing in our vision of providing a fully automated, enterprise class database platform service. When we...

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The new CS_SESSION package and DB_NOTIFICATIONS view in the Autonomous Database

Two new objects have been recently introduced in the Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.1. The first one is the CS_SESSION package.When you open a connection to the Autonomous Database, that session is assigned a consumer group. But consumer groups affect the concurrency and the DOP (degree...

Monday, January 24, 2022

Oracle (Autonomous Transaction Processing) Ranked Highest in Gartner® Critical Capabilities for Cloud DBMS Operational Use Cases

In the 2021 Gartner Report, "Critical Capabilities for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS) Operational Use Cases", Oracle (Autonomous Transaction Processing) received the highest scores in all four use cases. This is the fourth year in a row that Oracle Autonomous Database optimized for transaction processing and mixed workloads...

Friday, January 21, 2022

Easy Oracle Database Migration with SQLcl

Database migration is not a fun or easy activity. It is often a significant hurdle in working with databases for developers unfamiliar with the process. It turns into this looming task that hangs over you like a black cloud. It must be done, but you are not looking...

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

DBMS_CLOUD : Installation on 19c and 21c On-Prem Databases

This article describes how to install the DBMS_CLOUD package in on-prem 19c and 21c databases. This package is already installed in databases on the Oracle Cloud.◉ Install DBMS_CLOUDCreate a directory to hold the installation files and an SSL wallet.mkdir -p /home/oracle/dbc/commonstore/wallets/sslCreate a file called "/home/oracle/dbc/dbms_cloud_install.sql" with the following...

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to Create Non-CDB Database in ExaCS

Introduction:In Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS), using dbaascli, you can create an Oracle Non-CDB database. You will first create an Oracle Database home with an available version and then create a database in that Oracle Database home. Here, we will see steps with example to create 19c Non-CDB...

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