ZDM is Oracle’s premier solution to move your on-premises Oracle Database workloads to the Oracle Cloud. ZDM supports a wide range of Oracle Database versions and Oracle Cloud Database Services as targets and ensures minimal to no production database impact during migration Oracle Maximum following Availability Architecture (MAA) principles. Zero Downtime Migration Patch Release 19.7 enhances the existing functionality of ZDM, providing bug fixes and more control of the migration process.
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Oracle Zero Downtime Migration supports Oracle Database versions 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c and newer versions and can migrate to Oracle Cloud Database Services Virtual Machines, Bare Metal, Exadata Cloud Services and Exadata Cloud at Customer. ZDM performs such Oracle Database migrations to the Oracle Cloud in eight simple steps, which can be scheduled and monitored as needed.
What's New in Oracle Zero Downtime Migration 19.7?
Zero Downtime Migration Patch Release 19.7 enhances the existing functionality of ZDM, providing bug fixes and more control of the migration process. Here is what’s new in a nutshell:

ZDMCLI Command Enhancements
◉ The ZDMCLI MIGRATE DATABASE command has new parameters that facilitate and automate the use of wallet-based credentials. It also no longers requires the -targethome parameter since the target database home is now automatically discovered. The new wallet-based parameters let users specify the full path for the source sys wallet file, the OSS backup user wallet file as well as the TDE keystore wallet file. On the Zero Downtime Migration Service host, these parameters are: -sourcesyswallet, -osswallet & -tdekeystorewallet.
◉ The ZDMCLI QUERY JOB command expands its functionality with new parameters, providing further information on existing migration jobs. These parameters allow for more complex queries retrieving an array of information on zdm migration jobs. Furthermore, queries on specific jobs can now be tied to specific sourcedbs, sourcesids and targetnodes.
ZDMCLI Response File Parameter Enhancements
◉ Oracle ZDM uses a response file to provide relevant parameters related to source database, migration method, target database, backup location and other required elements.
ZDM Backup-related Response File Parameter Enhancements
◉ Oracle ZDM leverages database backups as part of its overall migration workflow. New parameters have been added to the response file, providining users the ability to set intervals for monitoring and reporting the progress of backup and restore operations. The intervals are set by default to ten minutes and can be disabled by setting them to zero.
◉ Further enhancements to the response file include source database service retention, object store access retry, custom location for CURL, pre-authenticated URL for log files upload, custom TNS_ADMIN location and SSH connection reattempt.
◉ Finally, parameters related to post-migration tasks have been added in order to automate datapatch execution. These parameters allow users to skip datapatch execution post-migration (TGT_SKIP_DATAPATCH), let users set up a maximum wait time for datapatch operations post-migration (MAX_DATAPATCH_DURATION_MINS) and let users stop all but one database instances on the target until datapatch completion, after which ZDM will restart all stopped database instances (DATAPATCH_WITH_ONE_INSTANCE_RUNNING).
Bug Fixes
◉ Oracle ZDM Patch Release 19.7, provides a series of bug fixes addressing issues regarding different aspects of the migration workflow. The list of all bug fixes can be found in the ZDM Documentation and Release Notes section on the ZDM homepage.
Source: oracle.com
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