Saturday, December 9, 2023

Backup Enhancements on Autonomous Database on Dedicated Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud@Customer

As 2023 comes to a close, Oracle is proud to announce significant enhancements to the backup capabilities in our Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure and Cloud@Customer (ADB-D and ADB-CC). These updates are designed to streamline your data management experience, offering greater flexibility and efficiency.

Introducing ‘Disable Backups’

We're excited to announce that automatic backups can now be disabled when creating an Autonomous Container Database (ACD). This feature is a must-have for environments without daily backup requirements, allowing you to eliminate unnecessary backup storage costs for your Autonomous Databases (ADB). This flexibility means you only pay for what you need, ensuring a more efficient and cost-effective database management experience.

Extended Backup Retention for Enhanced Flexibility

For ADBs requiring daily backups, we've extended the backup retention period, offering a range between 7 and 95 days. This upgrade from the previous maximum of 60 days gives you more control over your data retention strategies, ensuring that your backup schedules align perfectly with your business needs.

Simplified User Interface: Easier Backup Configuration

The new UI enhancements streamline the backup configuration process. We've moved backup configuration settings from the advanced options directly into the main flow of ACD creation, making it more accessible and intuitive. Here's a sneak peek at the revamped interface:

Backup Enhancements on Autonomous Database on Dedicated Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud@Customer

Backup Enhancements on Autonomous Database on Dedicated Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud@Customer

Streamlined ADB-CC Setup Process

For ADB-CC customers, setting up ACDs has become much simpler. Previously, configuring backup storage options like object storage, network file system (NFS), or ZDLRA involved intricate network configurations and security approvals, which could be time-consuming. Now, you can create an ACD without initially enabling backups, allowing you to save precious time and activate them later at your convenience. This flexibility ensures you can focus on what's important without being bogged down by initial setup complexities.

Enhanced Backup Descriptions for Greater Clarity

Understanding the nature of your backups is now easier than ever. We've refined our backup descriptions to clearly indicate the type of backup (Full, Incremental, Cumulative Incremental, and Virtual Full for Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliances) and whether it was initiated by our Autonomous tooling or manually by a user.

Backup Enhancements on Autonomous Database on Dedicated Infrastructure and Exadata Cloud@Customer

And this is just the beginning. As we move into 2024, stay tuned for more advancements in Autonomous Database backup and recovery capabilities. Our roadmap is filled with innovative plans to make our service even more robust and accommodate a broader range of customer needs.


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