Friday, October 29, 2021

Oracle Database API for MongoDB with Oracle Autonomous Database opens up an entirely new set of use cases for MongoDB applications

Simpler database development experienceDevelopers like simplicity in building applications using choice of programming languages, frameworks, tools and databases. Document databases have become a popular choice for storing and processing application data in a language independent Java Script Object Notation (JSON) documents as a collection.Document databases offer simple APIs...

Monday, October 25, 2021

Oracle Cloud : Autonomous Database (ADW or ATP) - Export Data to an Object Store (expdp)

This article demonstrates how to export data from an Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) or Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) service on the Oracle Cloud using the expdp utility.◉ AssumptionsFor the export to work you will have to make a connection from an Oracle client to the ADW or ATP...

Friday, October 22, 2021

Autonomous JSON Database under the covers: OSON format

One of the secrets behind Autonomous JSON Database is a new optimized native binary storage format for JSON, called OSON. All JSON documents in Autonomous JSON Database are automatically stored in OSON format. This delivers big performance benefits to your JSON applications, including faster query performance, more efficient...

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Logical Database

A Logical Database is a special type of ABAP (Advance Business Application and Programming) that is used to retrieve data from various tables and the data is interrelated to each other. Also, a logical database provides a read-only view of Data.Structure Of Logical Database:A Logical database uses only...

Monday, October 18, 2021

Why should you use graph analytics?

Data is growing exponentially, and rising automation is generating a plethora of data from smart phones, mobile and IoT devices, security systems, satellite imagery, vehicles and more. The question becomes: how to rapidly obtain meaningful insights from ever growing data sets across different types and sources?Graph technology makes...

Friday, October 15, 2021

Using Expressions in Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 21c

Oracle database 21c introduced the ability to use expressions to set initialization parameters. These expressions can reference other parameters and environment variables.1. Referencing ParametersWe check the values of the JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES and PROCESSES parameters. We see the values are 80 and 400 respectively.SQL> show parameter processesNAME       ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

How to implement self-service data analytics for finance teams

No longer is it enough for finance teams to report financial results and streamline processes; in fact, 85% of an ESG survey respondents believe it is imperative for the finance organization to transform from reporting on “what” is happening in the business to “why” things are happening. Finance...

Monday, October 11, 2021

JSON Type and other cool new JSON features in Oracle database release 21c

Oracle Database Release 21 offers many new many and major JSON enhancement and improvements. This blog will give you an overview - with screenshots and examples that you can try out immediately in an always free Autonomous Database like the new Autonomous JSON database (AJD).Intro on how to...

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