Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Connections without a Client Wallet in Oracle Database 23ai

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Connections without a Client Wallet in Oracle Database 23ai

In previous releases HTTPS callouts from the database required the use of a client wallet. From Oracle database 23ai onward we can use the operating system certificate store instead.

Operating systems usually have a certificate store containing the root certificates of popular certificate authorities. This allows the operating system to make trusted connections to sites using those root certificates. These certificate stores are kept up to date with operating patches. Oracle 23ai allows us to make use of the operating system certificate store, rather than having to use a wallet, which removes the burden of certificate management from us.

Test a URL From the Operating System

The simplest way to test a HTTPS URL is to use the curl command from the operating system command line. If a valid HTTPS connection is possible, we should get a "200 OK" response. We can see it works fine.

$ curl -is | grep HTTP
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
This means the required root certificate is present in the operating system certificate store.

Create an ACL

In order to do a database callout we need an Access Control List (ACL) for the host. The following example creates an ACL for the host "" on port 443. The principal is TESTUSER1, which is the user we will make the call from.

conn sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

  dbms_network_acl_admin.append_host_ace (
    host       => '', 
    lower_port => 443,
    upper_port => 443,
    ace        => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('http'),
                              principal_name => 'testuser1',
                              principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); 

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

Test a Database Callout Without a Wallet

We create a procedure using the UTL_HTTP package to return the contents of a URL.

create or replace procedure show_html_from_url (
  p_url  in  varchar2
) as
  l_http_request   utl_http.req;
  l_http_response  utl_http.resp;
  l_text           varchar2(32767);
  -- Make a http request and get the response.
  l_http_request  := utl_http.begin_request(p_url);

  l_http_response := utl_http.get_response(l_http_request);

  -- Loop through the response.
      utl_http.read_text(l_http_response, l_text, 32766);
      dbms_output.put_line (l_text);
    end loop;
    when utl_http.end_of_body then
  when others then
end show_html_from_url;

In previous releases attempting to use the procedure without opening a wallet would result in a certificate validation failure. That is not the case in Oracle 23ai, as we are using the operating system certificate store by default.

set serveroutput on long 1000000
exec show_html_from_url('');

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

... output removed ...


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


We could have achieved a similar result using HTTPURITYPE.

set serveroutput on long 1000000
select HTTPURITYPE.createuri('').getclob();

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

... output removed ...



Test a Database Callout With a Wallet

We can still use a wallet containing the relevant root certificate, but once we reference the wallet it takes priority. If the wallet doesn't contain the correct root certificate, the call will fail. To demonstrate this we make a new wallet containing a self-signed certificate, rather than the root certificate of the URL we are calling.

mkdir -p /u01/wallet
orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/wallet -pwd WalletPasswd123 -auto_login

orapki wallet add -wallet /u01/wallet -pwd WalletPasswd123 \
  -dn "CN=`hostname`, OU=Example Department, O=Example Company, L=Birmingham, ST=West Midlands, C=GB" \
  -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 365

We connect to a new session, open the wallet, and attempt to run the procedure to make the callout. As expected, this results in a certificate validation failure.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

set serveroutput on long 1000000
exec utl_http.set_wallet('file:/u01/wallet', null);

exec show_html_from_url('');
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "TESTUSER1.SHOW_HTML_FROM_URL", line 26
ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 380
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1189
ORA-06512: at "TESTUSER1.SHOW_HTML_FROM_URL", line 9
ORA-06512: at line 1


We get the same error when we try to use HTTPURITYPE.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

set serveroutput on
exec utl_http.set_wallet('file:/u01/wallet', null);

select HTTPURITYPE.createuri('').getclob();

ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTPURITYPE", line 38
ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 380
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1189
ORA-06512: at "SYS.HTTPURITYPE", line 23


We add the correct certificate to the wallet.

orapki wallet add -wallet /u01/wallet -trusted_cert -cert "/tmp/ISRG Root X1.crt" -pwd WalletPasswd123

Now the previous tests work as expected.

conn testuser1/testuser1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1

set serveroutput on long 1000000
exec utl_http.set_wallet('file:/u01/wallet', null);

exec show_html_from_url('');

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

... output removed ...


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


select HTTPURITYPE.createuri('').getclob();

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

... output removed ...



Mark a Self-Signed Certificate as Trusted

We are not always working with certificates from a certificate authority. Sometimes we may need to make callouts to services using self-signed certificates. Fortunately we can mark self-signed certificates as trusted on the OS of the database server. The following actions were performed as the "root" user.

We create a self-signed certificate, as demonstrated.

mkdir -p ~/certs

openssl req \
  -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout ~/certs/${HOSTNAME}.key \
  -x509 -days 3650 -out ~/certs/${HOSTNAME}.crt \
  -subj "/C=GB/ST=West Midlands/L=Birmingham/O=Example Company/OU=Devs/CN=Tim Hall/"

We copy it to the "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/" directory and run update-ca-trust to make the change take effect.

cp ~/certs/${HOSTNAME}.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/

We use trust list to check the certificate is present.

# trust list --filter=ca-anchors | grep -B 4 -A 2 "Tim Hall"
    type: certificate
    label: Tim Hall
    trust: anchor
    category: authority


Monday, July 8, 2024

XML, JSON and Oracle Text Search Index Enhancements in Oracle Database 23ai

XML, JSON and Oracle Text Search Index Enhancements in Oracle Database 23ai

In Oracle 23ai the CREATE SEARCH INDEX statement allows us to create search indexes on XML, JSON and text data, making the syntax consistent between them.

◉ XML Search Indexes

The index type of XDB.XMLIndex was introduced in a previous release to allow us to index XML data.

drop table if exists t1 purge;

create table t1 (
  id    number,
  data  xmltype

create index t1_xmlindex_idx on t1 (data) indextype is xdb.xmlindex;

In Oracle 23ai we can create search indexes for XML using the CREATE SEARCH INDEX ... FOR XML syntax. The full syntax is available here.

drop table if exists xml_tab purge;

create table xml_tab (
  id    number,
  data  xmltype
xmltype column data
store as transportable binary xml;

create search index xml_tab_search_idx on xml_tab (data) for XML
parameters (
  'search_on text'

The SEARCH_ON parameter must be set for XML search indexes.

  • TEXT : Only text data is indexed for full-text search queries.
  • VALUE(data_types) : Enables range-search for the specified data types. One or more of BINARY_DOUBLE, NUMBER, TIMESTAMP, VARCHAR2 as a comma-separated list.
  • TEXT_VALUE(data_types) : A combination of support for full-text searches queries and range-search for the specified data types.

The XMLTYPE column must be stored as transportable binary XML to build a XML search index. For other storage types we can create an Oracle Text search index instead.

drop table if exists xml_tab purge;

create table xml_tab (
  id    number,
  data  xmltype

create search index xml_tab_search_idx on xml_tab (data);

◉ JSON Search Indexes

The original syntax for JSON search indexes in Oracle 12.1 was rather ugly.

drop table if exists t1 purge;

create table t1 (
  id    number,
  data  clob,
  constraint t1_json_chk check (data is json)

create index t1_search_idx on t1 (data)
  indextype is ctxsys.context
  parameters ('section group ctxsys.json_section_group sync (on commit)');

In Oracle 12.2 the JSON search index syntax was simplified using the CREATE SEARCH INDEX ... FOR JSON syntax. The full syntax is available here.

drop index if exists t1_search_idx;

create search index t1_search_idx on t1 (data) for json;

The SEARCH_ON parameter defaults to TEXT_VALUE for XML search indexes.

  • NONE : JSON queries are not supported. Only the data guide index is maintained.
  • TEXT : Only text data is indexed for full-text search queries.
  • VALUE(data_types) : Enables range-search for the specified data types. One or more of NUMBER, TIMESTAMP, VARCHAR2 as a comma-separated list.
  • TEXT_VALUE(data_types) : A combination of support for full-text searches queries and range-search for the specified data types.
  • TEXT_VALUE_STRING : A combination of support for full-text searches queries and range-search for NUMBER, TIMESTAMP and VARCHAR2 data types.

◉ Oracle Text Search Indexes

Oracle has a long history of full-text indexing for text data. You can read about it here.

- Full Text Indexing using Oracle Text

In Oracle 23ai we can create full-text search indexes using the CREATE SEARCH INDEX syntax. The full syntax is available here.

drop table if exists text_tab purge;

create table text_tab (
  id    number,
  data  clob

create search index text_tab_search_idx on text_tab (data);


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Oracle Database 23ai Free RPM Installation On Oracle Linux 8 (OL8)

Oracle Database 23ai Free RPM Installation On Oracle Linux 8 (OL8)

Oracle Database 23ai free can be installed on Oracle Linux 8 using an RPM. This article describes the RPM installation of Oracle Database 23ai free 64-bit on Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) 64-bit. The article is based on a server installation with a minimum of 2G swap and secure Linux set to permissive.

1. Hosts File

The "/etc/hosts" file must contain a fully qualified name for the server.

<IP-address>  <fully-qualified-machine-name>  <machine-name>

For example.       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  ol8-23.localdomain  ol8-23

Set the correct hostname in the "/etc/hostname" file.


2. Oracle Installation

Download the relevant RPM from download page here.

- oracle-database-free-23ai-1.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

With the RPM file downloaded, we can install the Oracle prerequisites using the following commands as the "root" user.

dnf install -y oracle-database-preinstall-23ai

We now install the 23ai software using the following command as the root user. This assumes the RPM file is in the "/tmp" directory.

dnf -y localinstall /tmp/oracle-database-free-23ai-1.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm

The ORACLE_HOME for the software installation is "/opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree".

3. Create Database

In addition to the software installation, the RPM creates a script that allows us to create a demo database called "FREE", with a pluggable database (PDB) called "FREEPDB1". In the following example we set the DB_PASSWORD environment variable so we can do a silent database creation using the script.

# export DB_PASSWORD=SysPassword1

# (echo "${DB_PASSWORD}"; echo "${DB_PASSWORD}";) | /etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai configure
Specify a password to be used for database accounts. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least 8 characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9]. Note that the same password will be used for SYS, SYSTEM and PDBADMIN accounts:
Confirm the password:
Configuring Oracle Listener.
Listener configuration succeeded.
Configuring Oracle Database FREE.
Enter SYS user password:
Enter SYSTEM user password:
Enter PDBADMIN User Password:
Prepare for db operation
7% complete
Copying database files
29% complete
Creating and starting Oracle instance
30% complete
33% complete
36% complete
39% complete
43% complete
Completing Database Creation
47% complete
49% complete
50% complete
Creating Pluggable Databases
54% complete
71% complete
Executing Post Configuration Actions
93% complete
Running Custom Scripts
100% complete
Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:
Database Information:
Global Database Name:FREE
System Identifier(SID):FREE
Look at the log file "/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/FREE/FREE.log" for further details.

Connect to Oracle Database using one of the connect strings:
     Pluggable database: localhost.localdomain/FREEPDB1
     Multitenant container database: localhost.localdomain
[root@localhost yum.repos.d]#

We can of course create a database in the normal way, using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). We don't have to use this script.

4. Using It

From the "oracle" user we can connect as follows.

export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree

-- Root container
sqlplus sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/free as sysdba

-- Pluggable database
sqlplus sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

We can stop and start the service from the root user with the following commands.

/etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai stop
/etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai start

5. Vagrant Example

If you want to see it in action, you might want to try one of these Vagrant build.


Friday, July 5, 2024

Oracle Database 23ai Free RPM Installation On Oracle Linux 9 (OL9)

Oracle Database 23ai Free RPM Installation On Oracle Linux 9 (OL9)

Oracle Database 23ai free can be installed on Oracle Linux 9 using an RPM. This article describes the RPM installation of Oracle Database 23ai free 64-bit on Oracle Linux 9 (OL9) 64-bit. The article is based on a server installation with a minimum of 2G swap and secure Linux set to permissive.

◉ Hosts File

The "/etc/hosts" file must contain a fully qualified name for the server.

<IP-address>  <fully-qualified-machine-name>  <machine-name>

For example.       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  ol9-23.localdomain  ol9-23

Set the correct hostname in the "/etc/hostname" file.


◉ Oracle Installation

Download the relevant RPM from download page here.

- oracle-database-free-23ai-1.0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm

With the RPM file downloaded, we can install the Oracle prerequisites using the following commands as the "root" user.

dnf install -y oracle-database-preinstall-23ai

We now install the 23ai software using the following command as the root user. This assumes the RPM file is in the "/tmp" directory.

dnf -y localinstall /tmp/oracle-database-free-23ai-1.0-1.el9.x86_64.rpm

The ORACLE_HOME for the software installation is "/opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree".

◉ Create Database

In addition to the software installation, the RPM creates a script that allows us to create a demo database called "FREE", with a pluggable database (PDB) called "FREEPDB1". In the following example we set the DB_PASSWORD environment variable so we can do a silent database creation using the script.

# export DB_PASSWORD=SysPassword1

# (echo "${DB_PASSWORD}"; echo "${DB_PASSWORD}";) | /etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai configure
Specify a password to be used for database accounts. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least 8 characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9]. Note that the same password will be used for SYS, SYSTEM and PDBADMIN accounts:
Confirm the password:
Configuring Oracle Listener.
Listener configuration succeeded.
Configuring Oracle Database FREE.
Enter SYS user password:
Enter SYSTEM user password:
Enter PDBADMIN User Password:
Prepare for db operation
7% complete
Copying database files
29% complete
Creating and starting Oracle instance
30% complete
33% complete
36% complete
39% complete
43% complete
Completing Database Creation
47% complete
49% complete
50% complete
Creating Pluggable Databases
54% complete
71% complete
Executing Post Configuration Actions
93% complete
Running Custom Scripts
100% complete
Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:
Database Information:
Global Database Name:FREE
System Identifier(SID):FREE
Look at the log file "/opt/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/FREE/FREE.log" for further details.

Connect to Oracle Database using one of the connect strings:
     Pluggable database: localhost.localdomain/FREEPDB1
     Multitenant container database: localhost.localdomain
[root@localhost yum.repos.d]#

We can of course create a database in the normal way, using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). We don't have to use this script.

◉ Using It

From the "oracle" user we can connect as follows.

export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/23ai/dbhomeFree

-- Root container
sqlplus sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/free as sysdba

-- Pluggable database
sqlplus sys/SysPassword1@//localhost:1521/freepdb1 as sysdba

We can stop and start the service from the root user with the following commands.

/etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai stop
/etc/init.d/oracle-free-23ai start

◉ Vagrant Example

If you want to see it in action, you might want to try one of these Vagrant build.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

In this post, I provide an overview and examples of creating datasets from files stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage. I also explore the new capabilities with centralized file storage that enables the ability to schedule periodic reloads of the data stored in Object Storage. I review the creation of an OCI Resource connection including the creation of a dataset using the new connection, using the new UI to search and navigate the compartments, buckets, and objects, and creating datasets based on some files. Finally, I describe how you can manually reload or schedule a periodic reload of the dataset by updating files in Object Storage.

What Is OCI Object Storage?

OCI Object Storage enables you to securely store any type of data in its native format. With built-in redundancy, OCI Object Storage is ideal for building modern applications that require scale and flexibility, because it can be used to consolidate multiple data sources for analytics, backup, or archive purposes.

Creating an OCI Resource Connection

In order to access files stored in OCI Object Storage, you first create an OCI Resource Connection using an API Key. This connection is the same type of connection required for connecting Oracle Analytics to OCI functions and OCI models such as Vision and Language.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Creating Datasets from Files in OCI Object Storage

Once a connection has been successfully created, you can start the process of creating datasets from files in the OCI Object Storage buckets. Start the process by creating a dataset by clicking Create Dataset from the home page. Notice that the OCI Resource Connection is displayed as one of the data sources in the Create Dataset dialog.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Region Selection

After selecting the OCI Connection, use the dialog to change the default region if necessary, and to easily search for the right compartments, buckets, and objects that could include folders, subfolders, and files. Review the default region and change if necessary with the drop-down list.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Navigating and Searching Compartments

After selecting or keeping the default region, either manually navigate or enter a full or partial search string to search all the compartments. The search results are filtered to display only those compartments that meet the search criteria. The search is a wildcard, case-insensitive search.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Navigating and Searching Buckets

After clicking the correct compartment where the buckets reside, do the same type of navigation or wildcard search on the buckets. After locating the bucket where the files reside, click it and notice that all the objects in the selected bucket are displayed on the right-hand panel.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Navigating and Searching Objects and Selecting a File

Again, manually navigate the objects in the bucket, which can consist of folders, subfolders, and files, or perform a wildcard case-insensitive search. After locating the file to import into the dataset, click OK. The system imports the file into OAC and provides a preview of the contents of the file for review. After the review, click OK to bring the file into the Dataset Editor, where a representative sample is extracted and the deep semantic profile is triggered and the results are displayed in the form of the Data Quality Insights for the contents of the file.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Adding Another File from the Same OCI Connection

After creating the table based on the file from the OCI Object Storage bucket, notice that the connection (My OCI Connection), the resource (OCI Object Storage), and the imported file are listed in the left-hand panel. To add another file from the same connection, click the icon to the right of the resource. After clicking that icon, the navigation dialog is displayed again, and you can drill into the bucket again to get the second file. Add as many files as you need and join them to create the dataset. You can also join files from OCI Object Storage with database tables and other files.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Extract Credit – Scheduling a Dataset Reload

One of the really cool advantages of creating datasets from files in OCI Object Storage buckets is that you can create a recurring workflow where an upstream process can place updated files of the same name in the same bucket periodically. You can then schedule dataset refreshes to automatically update the data in cache from those updated files. You can set up either a one-time or a recurring schedule. Additionally, you can check the details of a schedule to see the last run time and the next scheduled run. This process and capability provides a way to update visualizations with the latest data from datasets based on files.

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Seamlessly Create and Refresh Datasets from Files Stored in OCI Object Storage

Call to Action

We hope you've enjoyed this overview of creating datasets from files in OCI Object Storage buckets! And we challenge you to start creating datasets from your files stored in buckets and hope that you find them to be both powerful and user-friendly. Keep exploring the powerful world of self-service data modeling and stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts, where we'll share more tips and tricks on both new and existing features of our product.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Announcing New Spatial Machine Learning Algorithms in OML4Py on Autonomous Database Serverless

We are pleased to announce the general availability of a new feature of Oracle Machine Learning for Python (OML4Py), Spatial AI. OML4Py Spatial AI provides specialized machine learning algorithms that incorporate the effects of location. Using machine learning with spatial algorithms can improve model quality and prediction accuracy by accounting for the effects of location. For example, spatial regression algorithms are able to enhance home value predictions by incorporating the influence of neighboring home values. Spatial algorithms also allow you to detect location patterns, like spatial clustering of traffic accidents. As part of OML4Py on Autonomous Database Serverless, Spatial AI provides  a single environment for spatial ML workflows that minimizes data movement to external ML engines, simplifies your architecture, and accelerates time to value.

Sample notebooks are provided to help get you started. From the Oracle Machine Learning user interface, navigate to Templates > Examples and filter for "spatial". Clicking on the title of a sample notebook opens it in read-only mode to review the content. To create your own editable/runnable copy of a sample notebook, first select the sample notebook by clicking on the tile, click "Create Notebook", and then select your project. Begin with the notebook "OML4Py Spatial AI Run Me First" to seed sample data, and then try other notebooks based on your areas of interest.

Announcing New Spatial Machine Learning Algorithms in OML4Py on Autonomous Database Serverless

After the data are seeded, sample notebooks can be run in any order. For example, in the sample notebook OML4Py Spatial AI Agglomerative Clustering and Regionalization, you apply a spatial ML algorithm that combines sets of Census Block Groups into broad regions based on similar demographics. Such regions are useful for regional marketing, where strategies are adjusted based localized demographics and associated buying patterns. The following image shows the results of a non-spatial clustering based solely on similar feature values (left), and results of clustering with a spatial ML algorithm that combines areas into regions based on similarity of both feature values and location.

Announcing New Spatial Machine Learning Algorithms in OML4Py on Autonomous Database Serverless
