If you're looking for a cloud-based database service for your business, Oracle Database Service for Azure might be the right choice. This article will explore the benefits, features, and best practices of using Oracle Database Service for Azure.IntroductionOracle Database Service for Azure is a cloud-based database service that...
Friday, March 31, 2023
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Automate media processing jobs
In today’s fast-paced world, delivering high-quality media content to a global audience has become a critical aspect of many businesses. The traditional methods of media delivery, such as satellite and terrestrial networks, are becoming less feasible because of the high costs, complexity, and limitations associated with these systems.Here,...
Friday, March 24, 2023
15 important things DBAs need to know about Oracle Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM)
Utopias are common in fiction, from Plato’s “The Republic” in 370 BCE to the Federation in Star Trek. Does zero downtime exist only in power point presentations? Let us find out.Business services where companies make money or loose money depending on if the systems are up or down...
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
What is Synthetic Data? Exploring Its Uses and Benefits
As data continues to play a vital role in shaping businesses and industries, there is an increasing demand for data that is both diverse and abundant. However, obtaining large amounts of high-quality data can be challenging and expensive. Enter synthetic data, a new approach to data generation that...
Monday, March 20, 2023
Achieving Data Sovereignty with Oracle Sharding (Part 1)
In this two part blog on Data Sovereignty, i will share how customers are achiving Data Sovereignty with Oracle Sharding including step by step implemantation details.Part 1 : Overview of Data Sovereignty and how Sharding can provide a perfect solution for achieving data sovereigntyPart 2: Customer usecase -...
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Announcing Oracle Transaction Manager for Microservices 22.3.1
Oracle is pleased to announce a new release of Oracle Transaction Manager for Microservices Free (MicroTx). This new release, 22.3.1, provides a number of enterprise enhancements and demonstrates Oracle's commitment to microservices.Enhancing Transaction Coordinator Availability, Scalability, and RecoverabilityThis new release includes a number of resiliency enhancements that improve...
Monday, March 13, 2023
Long-Term Backups (up to 10 years) on Autonomous Dedicated!
The long-term storage of backups is generally an essential part of cybersecurity and disaster recovery plans in any serious business. Moreover, many applications have regulatory, compliance, or other business purposes that require the retention of database backups beyond a lapse of just days or months.Until now, all backups...
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Oracle Cloud Guard and Hybrid Tablespace Encryption
“There are two types of encryption: one that will prevent your sister from reading your diary and one that will prevent your government” – Bruce SchneierWhat is Hybrid Tablespace Encryption? With the latest release updates of Oracle 19c (19.16 and above as 19.18 is the latest as of...
Friday, March 10, 2023
Disaster Recovery Solution for Oracle Analytics Server on Oracle Cloud Marketplace using Snapshot Replication
High Level Steps involved in the Disaster Recovery Setup1. Create Primary Oracle Analytics Server Instance in one Region e.g. Ashburn2. Create Disaster Recovery Oracle Analytics Server Instance in another Region e.g. Phoenix3. Configure both Oracle Analytics Server Instances to use same external connections like SMTP Server, Data Sources...